Nothing is more agonizing than being a parent with a critically ill baby and thinking there is nothing you can do to help. Mothers can give a gift to help their sick baby that no one else can give and that is their milk. Many mothers work very hard to express milk for their own baby and sometimes cannot make enough due to their own illness or preterm delivery. The Oklahoma Mothers’ Milk Bank (OMMB) provides safe, pasteurized milk donated by healthy, screened breastfeeding mothers to ensure that our most vulnerable babies will receive full human milk feedings.
Totals For Year 2023

Why Human Milk
Why Human Milk
The American Academy of Pediatrics states that: “All preterm infants should receive human milk… Pasteurized donor human milk, appropriately fortified, should be used if mother’s own milk is unavailable or its use is contraindicated.” (2012)

Why Donate
Why Donate
- Preterm/ill infants are not fully developed and need human milk to fight infections and build stronger systems.
- Mothers of preterm babies sometimes cannot make enough milk to meet the needs of their babies due to illness, early delivery, or other health problems.
- By giving milk you are helping a preterm baby go home a healthy baby.

How To Get Involved
How To Get Involved
You can get involved in a number of ways:
- Donate your extra milk
- Donate money
- Volunteer and help us keep costs down