In May 2012, a little guy named David was born prematurely and was admitted to the NICU. Doctors said that he had an air pocket between his ribs and lung, a condition which would heal on its own but was, understandably, stressful to his mother Brandy nonetheless. In addition, Brandy had a difficult time after delivery.

During the two days that David ended up spending in the NICU, Brandy said that she wanted to be sure that David received only her colostrum or donated breast milk. Because David was hospitalized at OU Children’s, Brandy had access to a milk bank and was able to secure donated milk for David. She later wrote, “This donation allowed me to have peace of mind while I was recovering and ensured David got all the nutrients he needed.” Through Brandy’s determination, David did not have to receive formula or other unnecessary fluids, and she and David went on to nurse successfully! David’s condition healed itself, and they were able to discharge from the hospital with a story to tell. Although she described David’s recipient story as “short,” we here at OMMB never underestimate how long a day in the NICU can really last to parents. Many thanks to Brandy for sharing her story!

David at 13 months
David Now

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Contact Information

940 NE 13th St, Garrison Tower,
Suite 1220
Oklahoma City, OK, 73104

Phone: (405) 297-LOVE (5683)

Fax: (405) 297-5637